Thursday, April 18, 2013

Diecast Model Cars

It took me a while to find these two die cast model cars...finally found them 😆

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

保持夢想 鎖定目標 堅持信念 積極行動 以身作則。一呼一吸之間,有的人成就了 偉大,有的人卻依然在原地踏步。人生長河中,但凡可以沉澱下來的,不是你得到 了多少名和利,而是有多少人因你而改變。

“我們也許無法在這個世界上做什麼偉大的事情,可是我們可以帶著偉大的愛做一些小事。” (特蕾莎修女 Mother Teresa 1910-1997)
“即使是最輕微的善意觸碰也能點亮一顆沈寂的心。 善, 能夠改變人們的生命。” (2012年6月12日,翁山蘇姬女士, 在諾貝爾和平獎的致詞中提到)
“我們 NU SKIN 的使命是要在世界各地凝聚一股善的力量:憑藉酬報優渥的事業機會、不斷創新的優質產品、和充實積極的優良文化,賦予人們提高生活品質的力量。” Blake Roney 羅百禮 (Founder of NU SKIN 如新集團創辦人)
NU SKIN 2.0 目標:每天有50萬兒童因 NU SKIN 如新而開心歡笑

很多人都聽過Nu Skin, 但很少人知道Nu Skin在做什麼。

香港矩丰人才培训中心、四十二届专业培训!我就是在這裡被訓練成為國際企業 家。


Are you ready to feel and live younger? To remind your body how to act young again?

Are you ready to feel and live younger? To remind your body how to act young again? To experience the freedom of your mind and body working together at their absolute best? You’re not alone. One noticeable sign of ageing is that we lose our youthful spark; we begin to feel flat, sluggish, and out of tune. With ageLOC R2 you have the power to feel young again.

Taken in the evening, ageLOC R2 Night optimises each cell’s natural purification process, helping you start each day feeling refreshed and renewed. Taken in the morning, ageLOC R2 Day optimises cellular energy production to help you recharge and take control of a new day. Renew and recharge with ageLOC R2.

ageLOC Tru Face Essence Ultra

Now you can change the way your skin ages and embrace the look of youth with ageLOC® Tru Face® Essence Ultra. Formulated with the power of Ethocyn,® Nu Skin’s firming specialist also employs our revolutionary anti-aging science, targeting the sources of aging that lead to the loss of firmness. Leave undefined skin in the past and enjoy firmer, younger looking skin today and in the future, with ageLOC Tru Face Essence Ultra.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Beauty has never been so easy.美麗從未如此輕鬆過。

Envy for the same effect...all you have to do is to apply the ageLOC Pearl. Beauty has never been so easy.
想同樣效果在你身上出現嗎? 只要輕輕塗上藍真珠,不需幾天便可,美麗從未如此輕鬆過。

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Angelababy uses Nu Skin Galvanic Spa

Nu Skin Galvanic Spa can improve our skin, slim our face, improve hair quality, acupuncture, slim our body...even celebrities use it.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

High lead levels in US rice imports
The researchers found the highest levels of lead in rice from China and Taiwan

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Is Nu Skin just a brand name to you or it is a true risk free business opportunity?

Our US 20 MCA Marguerite Sung joined US Airway in 1970 right after she graduated from collage. Her annual income was US$5,000 back then. She left the company in 1990 and her annual income was US$50,000. She joined Nu Skin in 1988. Her monthly commission check had reached US$10,000 in one year In 2003, she earned US$5,000 a day; and her commission has reached US$10,000 a day.

May I ask, how much was your income increased in the last 10 years? And how much will your income increase in the next 10 years. So what is Nu Skin to you? Is it just another brand name or it is a true risk free business opportunity?

How to improve your own immune system to avoid affect by H7N9

Many Nu Skin products were sold out during the SARS hit 10 years ago. The most popular products were: reishimax, Teagreen 97, Lifepak, G3 & antiseptic hand sanitizer. So if you want to improve your immune system to avoid any affection by the H7N9 or whatever bird flu viruses maybe, get the products asap before it's too late.

Dr. Pat & Marguerite sharing their successful story

Pay was a lawyer and Marguerite was a flight path programmer. They joined Nu Skin I May 1988. The reason they joined was to earn a couple of thousand dollars for a bigger house mortgage. Their commission check after 1 year part time was US$10,000. They turned full time in 1993. That's how they started the business and now their accumulated net commission is more than 20 million US dollars.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


不論在中國或香港,都有很多明星在用ageLOC, 好東西自然多人用。

ageLOC R2

連續工作超過36小時,如果不是有 ageLOC R2 真是做唔到.